iOPEX Success Story - Episode 1

We at iOPEX, are staunch believers of Meritocracy Based Career Progression. If you are passionate, perseverant, determined and willing to go the extra mile, then we have the Stars to offer. iOPEX is proud to have many budding talents, who champion the codes & values of iOPEX with utmost admiration, strive to serve the customer and deliver the best customer experience, helping us “Walk the Talk”.
Suneel Chandrasetty is one such example of sheer hard work, patience, and determination, which helped him achieve success and make iOPEX proud with his exemplary sense of customer success and service.
We are proud to have Suneel as a part of the iOPEX Family.
His journey is awe-inspiring, read on to know more.

Suneel, tell us about your journey with iOPEX:

I started my career as a trainee in iOPEX and moved up the ladder to a Senior Team Lead now. The best part about this journey is that it has been the opportunity for career advancement within the same team. Through this transit, I have been able to share my learnings & understanding through coaching & mentoring, quality operative and finally by leading the team. Standing by the first letter of our brand, I learned, I suggested, I implemented, I enjoyed, and I succeeded. Living by the values of the organization has made during my tenure and my personality, a memorable progression in life. In this 4+ years of my career, I have learned and unlearned many things while working with several supervisors. This has helped me orient myself to the corporate environment and achieve success.

What is your biggest career accomplishment in iOPEX?

While living by the values is an accomplishment, receiving the acknowledgment for the work you do, gaining the trust of the stakeholders and sustaining the confidence levels of the client has been the ultimate icing to the cake, helping me keep my success rate up. Becoming an example, instilling daily confidence in the team that ‘hard work never fails’ along with becoming a successful Team Lead for the team has been my biggest career accomplishment.

Your greatest and most cherished moment at iOPEX:

We are all customers to someone. In that context, I have always considered ‘Customer First’. The importance of respecting & maintaining integrity becomes the backbone of any process. While we live by this trust, it is important that the customer recognizes and confides in us. This has fortunately been on an exemplary level with the project I’m involved in. I was able to absorb and live the trust the customer has placed on me. I was recognized as a customer-centric leader by iOPEX, which makes it the most cherished moment I had with iOPEX.

How has the journey with iOPEX transformed you?

Though I had an irrelevant educational background and a very limited idea about a corporate environment, individual contribution and ardent work ethics helped me understand that social interaction and constant upgrade of self is also of absolute importance. My journey from being an individual contributor to a people manager has been steady yet very fulfilling. The iOPEX culture is very open and diverse, which helps us to be open to challenges, ask questions and find solutions. It helps bring out the innovation and intrapreneurship in the truest sense. The Learning and Development programs of iOPEX have been a real eye-opener in terms of providing technical knowledge and while helping us anchoring the soft skills, as well. The 4+ years has helped me transform into a strong person, unlike the shy novice who was hesitant to even ask.

How do you deal with tough and difficult situations at work?

When we work daily operations, every day is not going to be the same. Capability to foresee challenges and create plans accordingly is extremely important. There are situations that can’t be predicted even with experience and that difficulty may trigger panic, leading to wrong decisions. Analyzing the situation, identifying potential hiccups and anticipating results is always the best way to handle situations. One of the versatile statements that I keep in mind is to be ‘Proactive instead of Reactive’. This has always helped me steer clear of difficult situations. Through my experience, no situation is difficult if you are willing to spend a minute of silence instead of jumping into a firefight.

What motivates you to work hard every day?

My learning through my tenure with iOPEX has been to enjoy the work. Adopting to professional ethics and being given the space to make decisions makes you look forward to coming to work. On that context, I’m only motivated to come to work and hard work naturally follows. I have always been given the floor to make decisions and to keep up a stress-free work environment. My learning is if you want to be a successful employee, one should simply love the job. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” – This is my staunch belief.

What do you think are a few important traits to succeed in iOPEX?

Encouraging talents and providing opportunities has been the most important trait that I have learnt here. The only trait for success is to be prepared and wait for the opportunity to knock. Being yourself regardless of the situation and focusing on your deliverables will invite success. Understanding personalities and being resilient about it is just another trait that keeps the business smooth. After all, if Suneel is successful and if there was an option to clone 5 other Suneel, there will be no requirements for a leader. Ability to build competency and sustaining success through continuous opportunity to learn are the 2 utmost important traits to success.

Any message to pass on to the new and upcoming iOPEXians?

In my interview panel, I always observe one thing that is a common worry in all candidates, “Is this job the right job for me?” I believe that there are no “right” jobs. If you are willing to test yourself and keep yourself ready for challenges, you can reap success. As an organization with me in it, iOPEX is an ocean of opportunities and it is your decision to choose the right one and work hard to succeed.

- Suneel Chandrasetty
  Senior Team Lead