iOPEX Success Story - Episode 2

We take pride that our Meritocracy Based Career Progression has paved way for many ingrown leaders to take the forefront. If you dream big, then we help you make it big! iOPEX is proud to have many budding talents, who champion the codes & values of iOPEX with utmost admiration, strive to serve the customer and deliver the best customer experience, helping us “Walk the Talk”.


In this success story version 2.0, we have Sivabalan Rajarethinam, who started his career with iOPEX as a trainee and has grown to a Team Manager within the system. We applaud his passion, determination, hard 
work that he has exhibited, which has also earned him this blog exclusive!

We are proud to have Sivabalan as a part of this iOPEX Journey.

Siva, tell us about your journey with iOPEX

I started my career as a fresher with iOPEX in 2011, as a trainee in consumer operations project, which laid the foundation for where I’m right now. I have pursued multiple roles including support functions within that division before grabbing an opportunity in Digital Ad Operations. Since that was the time when iOPEX stepped into Ad Ops, I had to step down from a subject matter expert to play the role of an analyst to gain an understanding of the advertising ecosystem from the scratch. My hunger for learning new technologies persevered from that phase onward; now I’m in a managerial role!

What is your biggest career accomplishment in iOPEX?

My biggest career achievement in iOPEX is when My team and I gained the trust of the customer while competing with another vendor who was an existing partner. We were able to prove that we are the best at what we do. We kicked off this project with a three-member team and we were supposed to achieve a quality goal of 95 % accuracy for the first 6 months followed by 98% accuracy. We, as a team out-performed in metrics compared to the other vendor and, have exceeded the client set benchmark. We have consistently achieved QA score above 98% effective from 2nd month of the project kickoff. We grew to an 18-member team within a short span of 3 months from a team of 3 members.

Your greatest and most cherished moment at iOPEX

I can list many, as there have been several successful moments in our daily operations routine. Each day, we believe is a new day and we put in all efforts to WOW our customers, whom we are proud to serve.
One such memorable moment from recent times is when one of our project’s CEO appreciated our lightning speed TAT in executing ad campaigns end to end.

How has the journey with iOPEX transformed you?

To be honest, if you had asked me whether I would become a people leader when I joined iOPEX, my answer would have been a strict NO because I always had the passion for technology and wanted to be a tech expert but iOPEX has transformed me into a people leader with technical expertise. It was possible because of continuous motivation from my peers, leads, managers and the space given by iOPEX to explore different skills sets.

How do you deal with tough and difficult situations at work?

No matter how well you forecast, one should always anticipate issues when running 'round the clock' operations. First and foremost, I learned to keep myself calm & focused under tough situations and address the situation with extreme patience rather than handling it aggressively because one wrong move of a leader could collapse the hope of entire team, resulting in failure as a team.

What motivates you to work hard every day?

Responsibilities! That’s the keyword here. When a team trusts me as their leader, I must take things seriously and give my complete potential to groom them, seeing them improve and succeed motivates me to outperform each day.

What do you think are a few important traits to succeed in iOPEX?

Few important traits to succeed are,

a) Be Open to learning and stay updated
b) Think out of the box and never hesitate to explore
c) Trust your instincts and go for it

Any message to pass on to the new and upcoming iOPEXians?

Explore! Make mistakes! Learn from the mistakes and never repeat them!  

- Sivabalan Rajarethinam 
Team Manager