Routine earlier, is a Fairytale now! Time to get your life back!!

Let’s see how this happened in the story of Roshan.

Roshan is an early riser and he is up by 6 AM daily to join his friends for a walk to enjoy the morning freshness. His routine includes picking up some grocery essentials like veggies, egg and milk for home from the nearby vegetable market. (I’m not sure how many of you have seen a vegetable market lately, as its not part of our routine nowadays). He and his family catch up for breakfast and some constructive conversations daily.

Roshan and his family take road trips every now and then to enjoy nature and to get a break from digital world and monotony. He plans a brief road trip for the weekend with his wife.

Roshan’s wife informs Raju, their son, about the plan “Raju, Paapa is planning to take us all on a short trip, this weekend. I’m planning to pack some food and take it to the nearby waterfalls, where we can unwrap the garden mattress under the shade of neem tree, spend some time together in the garden nearby to breathe in some fresh air. We can also pick up some fresh organic fruits and vegetables for the next week. What do you think?” 

Raju gets excited and goes to school looking forward for the trip. Meanwhile, Roshan stops home for a quick lunch break and at the end of the day, gets back home on time after picking up his wife along the way.

His parents are happy to get to spend some quality time with him and his family. The day ends with sumptuous dinner and laughter. After a satisfactory day, Roshan and his family go to bed for deep sleep.

Suddenly, Roshan is brought out of his reverie.

“Roshan! Roshan! Roshannnnnn! get up. It's 7pm. Wake up and get ready for office, it’s time to go to work.”

Yes! With today’s fast paced life, this kind of a lifestyle can only be dreamt of, isn’t it?

Now, it’s time to stop dreaming and get back to reality.

According to WHO, 60% of the individual health is correlated to the living style of people. Today, people lead an unhealthy lifestyle which in turn leads to various health disorders such as body fat, acidity, irregular digestion, sleeping disorders, anger, stress and more.

In this fast-paced world, we have rapidly brought upon changes in the way we live our life. Malnutrition, unhealthy food, smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse has invaded our lifestyle, thus causing harm.

Additionally, today’s work-life of working round the clock leaves us with just enough time to grab a quick bite, leading to lack of sleep and inadequate to nil workout. When it comes to exercising, it is like finding coconut water in a desert. People hardly walk or do any kind of workouts mainly cause of convenience like pick-up / drop from doorstep, door delivery, usage of mobile phones and computers for almost everything. We have become entirely dependent on vehicles for even small commutes, which impacts our basic movement that is required for our body.

Let’s join hands and follow some of the simple tips from today to overcome these problems to lead a happy and healthy life. A systematic planning as per below cycle is highly recommended for a healthy lifestyle.

Sticking to the above plan will bring drastic changes in your lifestyle positively, taking you closer to a life like one in Roshan’s dream.

Let's see, what is needed for a human body to stay healthy and active throughout a day.

First, we will see how to maintain a healthy diet. Our human body burns 1800 to 2200 calories per day normally. These calories can be refilled with 500g of sugar but that is not the case here.

Rather than that, human body needs vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats & other nutrients to maintain balanced health. Below table will help us understand how necessary a balanced diet in a day is.

How to stay fit and reduce belly fat? You don’t need to lift tons and tons of weight and run miles to stay fit. Maintaining a daily routine to keep your system active and healthy is the first step towards it.

Now let us look at a few indoor workout tips that we can indulge in for 20 mins, which gives massive results. Recommended for people of all age groups to do at home without the need of any equipment. This helps our body to function properly, circulate blood faster and feel active throughout the day. People with any health condition are requested to check with your doctor on the diet and workout tips given in this before pursuing the same with utmost safety precautions.

Repeat this plan for 3x a day (Upper body, Abs and Leg workout)

If you judiciously follow this plan (workout + diet) for the next 2 weeks, you will see the following positive changes

  • Broadening of the upper body
  • Trimmer mid-section (less belly fat)
  • Tightening of leg muscles
  • Improved stamina
  • Reduction in the consumption of coffee to stay up
  • Successfully, put a stop to acidity issues after consuming a heavy meal
  • You would have gotten rid of your laziness and will manage to stay active throughout the day
  • Better Mind Control
  • Improved deep sleep
  • Improved digestion

Gowtham Perumalsamy
(Fitness Enthusiast & Nature Lover) 