iOPEX Success Story - Episode 3

In iOPEX, we foster drive and passion amongst our iOPEXians. We pave the way for Meritocracy Based Career Progression, where several of our ingrown leaders take the forefront. When you shoot for the moon, we ensure you reach it. We at iOPEX take immense pride to have such gems who champion the codes & values of iOPEX, serve the customers with focus and drive the complete customer experience, helping the "Walk the Talk". 


In this success story version 3.0, we have Karthikeyan Devan, who joined iOPEX as a Senior Analyst and is now currently working with one of the most prestigious projects within the system. We commend his passion, hard work, determination and consistency, that he has exhibited, earning him this blog exclusive! 

We are proud to have Karthikeyan as a part of this iOPEX Journey.

1. Tell us about your journey with iOPEX

My Journey with iOPEX has been great so far. It’s been more than 2 years now and there has been a lot of new learning every day. It has been an extremely amazing journey and I am grateful for all the support that I have received from my boss and from the team.

2. What is your biggest career accomplishment in iOPEX?

I joined iOPEX as a senior analyst for one of our prestigious clients. The systems and products were quite new to me, but I was able to pick through systems and products used by the client were quite new to me, I picked up the process very quickly and started to receive excellent feedback from the client on my work right from day 1. This helped me in my career growth, and I got promoted as Lead Analyst on completion of the first year.

3. Your greatest and most cherished moment at iOPEX

Receiving an award from Shiv Kumar, our Chairman for my work was one of my greatest moments in iOPEX. That gave me lot of motivation to strive even harder.
Also, I would say I cherish each and every moment spent with my team. They are a bunch of lovely people to work with.

4. How has the journey with iOPEX transformed you?

Joined iOPEX with basic knowledge in Revenue Assurance but the way, management and team gave me the space to explore in terms of learning and interaction with various stakeholders has helped me keep the internal and external clients happy. iOPEX helped me transform myself from the core of the basics. 

5. How do you deal with tough and difficult situations at work?

The most basic and simple way is to keep calm & not to react immediately. This will help us to analyse the situation and come with up with a solution, especially when you ensure that you share the situation with the team, as they will be able to pitch in ideas to overcome the situation easily. 

6. What motivates you to work hard every day?

Everyone has inspirations at work, whether it's in the present or the past. When you follow them arduously, adapt a few things that they do which inspire you, it will make the outcome easy to achieve, provided you put in commitment and hard work. 

7. What do you think are a few important traits to success in iOPEX?

If you live your life as most people do, you will get what most people get. If you settle, you will get a settled life. If you give your best, every day, your best will give back to you.”
For me, the important traits to success in iOPEX are Passion, Commitment, Self-confidence and Effective Communication.

8. Any message to pass on to the new and upcoming iOPEXians?

“If you have one bad apple in the bunch, it can really hurt the morale and enthusiasm of an entire department,” says Andy Teach.

When you enjoy working with your colleagues and look forward to interacting with them, everyone will beget the benefits. A department, or company, that works well together, have the most success together. Keep working smart and have fun at work without any bad vibes influencing you. That’s all it takes which is easy.

~Karthikeyan Devan