The Evolution of Dev-Ops

What is Dev-ops
The most common statement about dev-ops which you can find in most blogs is that "Dev-ops is just the combination of development and operation functioning together “but dev-ops is not limited to that, it isn’t something that was created by one individual.
Dev-ops is a logical thinking of an engineer who tries to integrate multiple tools available to automate his task to fasten the production and delivery to be competitive in the market by satisfying his end users.

Why Dev-ops
In this fast-growing world, to eliminate the traditional method of development and operation which takes a lot of time, dev-ops came into action.
As mentioned above, dev-ops is nothing but the combination of development and operation functioning together in order to build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. This in return reduces a lot of manual work & cost.

Why Organizations are influenced by Dev-Ops

       It takes a lot of time for a product to go from development to deployment in traditional method, whereas dev-ops provides us continuous integration and deployment where each day you can push a new feature to your product and surprise your customer
       Full transparency and seamless communication enable Dev-Ops teams to minimize downtime and resolve issues faster than ever before.
       Computers execute tests more rigorously and faithfully than humans. These tests catch bugs and security flaws sooner, allowing developers to fix them more easily, which in turn reduces the surprises during the time of release.


The life cycle of Dev-ops is called as CICD pipeline (Continuous integration and continuous deployment).
The first steps into Dev-Ops are about examining your organizational needs and taking the steps necessary to bridge communication between your development and operations teams. Achieving this is a challenge, but you don't have to get there overnight. While Dev-Ops is in many ways about organizational culture, identifying the right software tools is an important step as well.
There are numerous software tools released by many organizations for the same work. It’s important to choose the right one based on our needs.

There is a total of seven phases in the DevOps lifecycle –

        Continuous Development
        Continuous Integration
        Continuous Testing
        Continuous Monitoring
        Continuous Feedback
        Continuous Deployment
        Continuous Operations

In today’s marketplace, there is a need for rapid product development based on the customers feedback and requirement to respond quickly to market shifts.
It is no more suitable to wait for one year to add more features in the next release which in turn also creates extra pressure on the operation to release a new version swiftly.
The DevOps movement arouses out the critical need here for organizations engaged in continuous development and responds more quickly to the changes.


Dev-ops engineers are system administrators who are also interested in coding and move into the development phase where they can improve the planning of test and deployment.
Dev-ops break the term departments and overlap the role of development and operation into a single unit.
Out of the top skills which are organizations looking in for a dev-ops engineer, it can be easily seen that some of the skills such as scripting, OS admin, and monitoring are already possessed by system admin. Other than the traditional approaches below mentioned are some key things which a system admin should have in order to become a DevOps engineer



Micro services are one of the main futures in the Dev-Ops technology. Most organizations have already started to use them in the testing environment for the fast deployment of code.
Several software enterprises are pushing toward microservices infrastructure. Microservices architect is an enterprise solution, independently over a set of services.
Microservices are best suited for DevOps due to its features including:
        Isolated nature
        Improvised cycle times
        Well-defined interfaces
        Aligned architecture
Containerization also is growing in popularity. Containers are designed to run one process at a time with minimal deployment, serving as an ideal deployment model.
If an enterprise has decided to leverage microservices and containers, it is highly essential to incorporate solutions that support microservices and containers along with traditional application model.

To sum up dev-ops was once an emerging branch but now it has become a necessity.  

Kiren Aananth