Finding Happiness


I was under the impression for a long time that someone or something can make us happy or sad.
Well, most of us think that way. But, I guess we are wrong and keep drifting away from happiness.
The other day I woke up early in the morning, made myself a cup of tea, opened the front door to let-in some sunlight.
Across my house a building was being constructed and I saw a group of constructional site workers having their brunch.
Three different families were seated together on the floor and eating together. They were exchanging stories and gossip.
I realized then that our lives were better than theirs, yet they seem to be More happier than us. They didn't have proper houses nor basic amenities,
nevertheless they seem happy and their faces were lit-up. I sat and watched them the whole time enjoying the scene. 
They were all smiles, the women were neatly dressed and their hair adorned with flowers, they all looked very beautiful.
It dawned on me that the reason for their happiness was their state of mind, not materialistic things.
They try and be happy with what they have and enjoy every moment they live. They don't seem to have any regrets.
These workers live on daily wages unlike us who draw 5-6 figure salaries, yet we look for happiness; fight and crib for it too.
How simple things would be if we just realize that happiness is in us, we choose what we need to be happy or not, no one can take it away from us.
I choose to be happy and would try my best to work my mind towards it. I never said it would be easy, it isn't impossible, so let us all be 'Happy' again 'Forever'.