This is how traditions are born


A few weeks back I came across this kutty story, it had a nice message for the ever evolving world.

A new camp commander was appointed and while inspecting the place, he saw 2 soldiers guarding a bench. He went over there and asked them why do they guard it.


"We don't know. The last commander told us to do so and so we did. It is some sort of regimental tradition!"


He searched for the last commander's phone number and called him to ask him why he wanted guards in this particular bench. "I don't know. The previous commander had guards, and I kept with the tradition."


Passing by 3 commanders, he found a 100-year-old retired General.


"Excuse me sir. I'm now the CO of your camp that. you commanded 60 years ago. I've found 2 men assigned to guard a bench. Could you please tell me more about the bench?"


"What? Is the paint still wet !!!??


Funny but true. Sometimes in life we get so used to our normal routine, we don't want to break it or change it. While the tried and tested is a safe bet, we seldom move out of our comfort zone to check if what we are doing is still relevant and if it is the best way to do. The disruptors are those who challenged the status quo. The story of Amazon and Uber are those that put technology to best use and sometimes you don't need complex technology, just some common sense and smart thinking can make life easy and at times all we need to do is step back check if what we are doing is tradition or relevant. If found not relevant we attempt to bring about a difference.


I make it a point to spend some time of my day thinking and some time of my week trying to bring in an improvement. Not all ideas click, but some do and the satisfaction you get from it is priceless. The beauty is once you start that tradition every one tries to improve on it further. Well that's the tradition of innovation. 


Try it at home, try it at work - we could make this world a better place. If you are wondering where to start in Iopex, you can do it any where, everywhere,  anyday and everyday. Ideafactory is the place you can share , innovate and exhilarate.