Travel that changed my life or perception


                  Travel that changed my life or perception

My name is Amit, I have joined IOPEX Technologies on 18th of Feb 2021. I am a Network & Security Engineer by profession besides that I am a passionate traveler, who looks to explore new places. The destinations I travel to, always teaches me a whole new story to learn in my life. I have travelled to many places in India which covers an odd 17 states and only a handful are left to explore. According to my perception travel is a lesson which tells us how to fight life and how to learn from our mistakes. If you explore the World, it communicates with us on how to face the world with strength, solidarity and intelligence.

Bhima Shankar Trek, Western Ghats, India – A Journey for the soul and worth a lifetime of memories!!!!

Bhima Shankar is famous for being one of the twelve sacred “Jyotirlingas”. The Shiva temple here sees a lot of devotes. For this reason, Bhima Shankar is connected through road transport where devotees can travel by bus or their own vehicles. These routes are part of the Sahyadri mountain range, which are part of the Western Ghats located in Maharashtra. Monsoon is the best time to trek anywhere in the Sahyadri’s. The showers of rain and the climate makes the trek more exciting. I had trekked many destinations, but this is the place where I found myself interested, as we trek the mountain line and reach the summit to have a peaceful sight of Lord Shiva.
Bhima Shankar is rated as a top place to trek in the region of Maharashtra. Once you reach the summit it is like winning a trophy after giving ourselves a bit of pain with a lot of joy and happiness.

Coming to the trek, Khandas is the place where we start the trek which is near the town of Kajrat. There are 2 options where we can choose our trek.

·         Siddhi Ghat

·         Ganpati Ghat

Ganpati Ghat trek will be not as dangerous as Siddhi Ghat, because Siddhi Ghat is the short way but it is a dangerous way. It is like if you lose your concentration, you could mark your journey’s end. According to me as a traveler and an explorer we need to go for the difficult path to handle life and I have chosen Siddhi Ghat to take a risk which gives us a lot of self-satisfaction.

The local villagers are so friendly and co-operative in such a way that they will provide us with accommodation free of charge. The local guides were the certified trekkers, I am saying this on account as all of them were approved by the government and I have visualized a verified mark on the certificates too i.e., from Himalayan Trekking which is the governing body. The plan was to trek to  the top of the mountain and offer our prayers to the Almighty, then return the same way and take rest for a day in the accommodation provided by the local villagers. I am excited on the trek after choosing a difficult Ghat and a bit nervous too.

I climbed further and found signs indicating the way to the top, it seemed very steep, following the signs I reached a rock that was unclimbable it looked like a dead end!!! By that time, all my fluids were finished, and my legs were cramping. My guide was continuing his trek and I am really surprised on how healthy and strong he is, then I got really depressed myself for a minute on being an IT Employee and sitting in the same chair and working for 8 hours which took away all my energy 😊 .

The Guide lead me, but then came the dangerous part of the trek, a huge rock which had about a foot space to walk with a little slope and a slip meant death, as the rock was vertically aligned to the deep valley, there was nothing to get a grip. The only thing that could be done was to rest my palms on the rock and put weight on the rock and walk sideways parallel to the rock! This thing was extremely dangerous, so I asked the guide if there is any another way? but to my disappointment there is no other way to the top and after trekking for more than 3 hours there was no turning back!

But I did discover an excellent echo point, the echo was so clear it was amazing! A whole word can be heard back. The best part of Bhima Shankar is the climate!!! And the best season to visit is in between the months of July to October during Monsoon season.

How Travelling Changed my Mindset and Perception of Life:

It is Life changing:

Traveling has the vacancy to vary your life in some ways. Firstly, when you use your free time for travel, you are opening yourself up to new experiences in life and extending your comfort zone.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is something we talk about a lot because it is needed as it makes you grow as an individual. It breaks down those barriers that are pulling you back.

It Gives a New Perception:

My favorite part of traveling is that it gives us a new perspective. It provides a new way to perceive life, who you are, and how you spend your time. After my trek I spent my life in the village I mentioned where there was no Power, no mobile network and the Internet is beyond your imagination. Having spent time with the villagers and having the food which they grew in their farms or fields and sleeping in a mud house, it is like something made me want to extend my stay. No noise or air pollution and no disturbance from anyone which leads to a peaceful life for at least those two days.

When you travel, you meet new people, cultures, experience new things, embark on all sorts of adventure (good and bad), and perhaps even redefine the meaning of our lives. Because you are learning and gaining information from new places and people, travel can also shape you into a better person.

The art of being alone to get close to yourself:

It is not that easy to be happy by travelling alone - but it has its importance in its own way. When you are alone, you have an incredible and exciting opportunity to think clearly about your life and the direction you want to take it in your own interest. In a world that is often filled with noise, you have been given a lot of silence.



Time is Precious, use it smartly with your own intelligence:

Travelling and nature teaches us the importance of time. The most beautiful view can only be seen at the dawn and the magnificent creatures in the forest could be seen only after patience.

We should always remember that happiness is a way of life and every adventure we did in our life is a happy and ever lasting memory.

“The gladdest moment in human life is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton