

Good day,

To all my dear men and my dearest women reading here...

‘I am a bad feminist but a good woman’-

 This is the tagline of a Ted talk which was thought-provoking for all women.

Since then, I felt indifferent when I find posts like “Being a girl is hard” or “A girl’s life is horrible” on social media.

 I wonder why people don’t say, “Being a woman” or “Be a woman”, not even “As a woman”. Quite simple!

I would like to share few thoughts of mine on ‘Womanism’ which suits this women’s day week.

Hope I sound right… being a girl is something tender. But there is a stage of growth when we are taken care of thereby, we will not get confused about our life.

 Whereas being a woman is a state of mind which is all about maturity and the ability to hold thoughts within yourself.

 Womanism has nothing to do with making a female superior or to make them dominant, unlike these feminist thoughts, which is a real burden in fighting all the misogynistic thoughts.

 In contemporary culture, Feminism might look like a fashion label, but it has its own crude ideologies which is what womanism is not about.

 Feminists fighting for gender equality might sound like achieving a better world but that is where we manifest that we believe in what we are made to believe, that we are inequal.

 Supporting other women and helping them in any way would make this world a better place. A place where women are free from being judged or mistreatment.

 We should be choosy and cautious of what we should do and not to be swayed by people’s opinion.

“A woman with an

 idea in her mind 

passion in her work

class in her gestures

will always have respect in her thoughts”.


Just stay inspirational in the way you think and irreplaceable in the way you act!

Wishing everyone a Happy Women’s day from a woman, for women.

- Sathiya Bamaa.S