Believe in yourself


“Watch your thoughts; they become words.  Watch your words; they become actions.  Watch your actions; they become habits.  Watch your habits; they become character.  Watch your character, it becomes your destiny”. – Frank Outlaw.


What we think, we believe and imagine about ourselves determines exactly our personality and the security with which we cope with life.  All thoughts we retain in our minds influence our personality and motives.  The more we hold on to them, the stronger they become and the more they control our actions.  Thoughts of insecurity, uncertainty, fear and failure build a weak, negative and insecure mind and therefore a weak personality.

Be sure about yourself or better yet be confident for it is the main and first step all of us need to acquire what we want.  Being confident consists of believing in yourself – that you are sure you will achieve whatever you set your mind to, regardless of all the obstacles you have in front of you, even if we don’t have the required things in place. 


Be sure about yourself, or better yet be confident, for it is the main and first step all of us need to acquire what we want.  Being confident consists of believing in yourself – that you are sure you will achieve whatever you set in your mind, regardless of all the obstacles you have in front of you even if you don’t have the required support.  All the knowledge or education you acquire doesn’t matter,  if you don’t trust and believe in yourself.  All you pretend to do or obtain will be in vain.  Last but not the least, Attitude is everything.