Focussed Thoughts


When you focus your thoughts in a positive healing way it can be used very successfully to aid in the healing of yourself, another, a plant, or even a situation!  All you have to do to start is find a quiet spot, no phones or disturbances.  Now quietly listen to your breath, slowly and gently allow a sense of peace to come over you.  Being to fill yourself with a prevailing feeling of joy.  An easy way to do this would be to think of something that fills you with unadulterated love, such as holding your own child, or maybe think of a puppy, use a thought that fills you full of pure compassionate love.  Feel this love and appreciation bubble up inside you.  Now as you hold onto this feeling turn your thoughts to your chosen subject.  In my case it is to all who are impacted by the pandemic across the globe.  Shower them with love.


Just spend 5 minutes of your precious time daily and try choosing a subject close to your heart and see the change.  This too shall pass for sure and we would all come back to our normalcy quite soon.


Continue to stay safe, stay healthy!