Helping Others


The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity”.

Leo Tolstoy

Why do you help others? Is it for them or for yourself? In the end, when you give, you receive, and that speaks a lot about the context of the quote. It takes time to find our purpose in life, not just ours but the purpose of humanity.

One thing is for sure, and that is, humanity needs to help each other to thrive. It gives us a sense of satisfaction and purpose. If that isn’t enough to convince you, studies have proven that between two groups of people, one that doesn’t help people and the one that does, were observed over for few weeks. The group that helped people was more positive and felt fewer negative emotions than that of the group that didn’t help.

Helping someone doesn’t mean giving them something very valuable, it can be anything, for example, you share knowledge, helping them and strengthening your concept on the topic, or you could give away something as simple as a coin, and it could help someone in ways you can’t imagine.

I sense a question arising, how do I know I am making an impact in the life of the person I helped? It is not easy to measure feelings; nevertheless, when you help someone, you are making a change in their life one way or the other.

Imagine life as a long path that you are walking on, and every wall you confront is a problem you face; when someone helps you, they are breaking down the wall. The small help we received helped us break down the wall which otherwise might have stopped us from proceeding our path.

Helping people helps us to find happiness knowing that we made a change. By helping people in little ways, we can add up goodwill and impact the world in a big way.

In conclusion, I want to ask if you have helped someone in any way. If you haven’t started, then now is a good time to start, and maybe you can find happiness and your purpose in life.