Kutty Story- Just do it!


Just do it !!

Good day friends, it was one more week locked in our homes. The good thing about
the lockdown is it's just helping control the Pandemic. The Count seems to be flattening and there is a lot of positive progress in terms of how people are handling the situation. Yes, this too shall pass !!. and it has all signs of it with the US, Europe chugging back to normalcy and Globally everyone working to resurrect the economy. The below economist cartoon says it all.



Over the weekend I happened to watch a small video clip that was inspiring and full of positivity. It was for a bunch of entrepreneurs and it set the tone for how we need to bounce back and be positive. One of my favourite directors and a great Indian Filmmaker K. Balachander used to say this - "Every day is a new beginning for the rest of your life" and that's what used to keep him going, during tough times, during successful times and when uncertain what is next. Yes, indeed every day is another 24 hrs for you to create history for yourself and how great you make it is in your hands.

The world is a big playing field, everyone is trying to win and create new highs. You and I are one of many players, trying to win the game of life. If you compare it to a game of football it’s like you trying to hit a goal and your opponent’s tries to stop you from hitting the Goal. You will need to dribble through these hurdles to hit the goal. On a football field, you cannot remain in one place, you must constantly move to position yourself in a strategic place to score your goal. No matter what happens you have to run around and create chances, convert it. You cannot relax after scoring one goal or shrug your shoulders when the opponent scores a goal. We got to be fit, keep pushing, try to score as many as you can until you hear the last whistle blow. Let’s get kicking.

Spread the positivity, reassure yourself that every day is ours and we shape it. Success or failure we rewrite it every day, give it your best and you'll be the best. "Just do it".