My new routine to stay healthy

Imagine a humid, weekend-long ride on a road that has lush green crops on both sides, a river level crossing, mountains all around you, Ilayaraja playlist on the headset, peace of mind, that is all is needed.

I was a regular at the gym before the pandemic hit us, almost 8 years of my gym life came to a long pause during this pandemic. Despite fewer cases in my hometown, I felt it’s safe to take a long walk, it felt like too much time was spent to cover a lesser distance which didn’t give me complete workout satisfaction.

I was looking for an alternative, such as to set up a home gym, buy a treadmill, travel 20 km to the closest gym, walking & jogging, then, all of a sudden, I remembered my school days commute.

It was the 90's and early 20’s, I used to cycle 5 km to school every day, 20 km to the playground after a full-day game, cycling back home OMG, it was miraculous. Suddenly, I had the urge to cycle again.

I did some research, selected a model, and purchased one MTB that best fit my requirement.

Cycling helped me cover the cardio part, which in turn helps to improve stamina and endurance post, which I spent little time on light muscle-strengthening workouts with the equipment I have at home.

Increased muscle strength: Strengthened bones. You can google and find out the complete benefits of cycling.

Follow me on Instagram to see the view I get to see while I ride the cycle. Do not forget to read my earlier blog on health.

More than all the health benefits, my regular cycling activity has created hidden awareness or trigged younger & older generations about the benefits of workout in my hometown, many purchased cycles and started riding. Very soon you may hear a cycling club emerging in this rural area.